Appel à contributions : N° spéciaux Alpes


Deux numéros spéciaux de revues scientifiques internationales sont en préparation concernant l'orogène alpin. Le premier est organisé par Solid Earth, le second, en hommage à Marco Beltrando, est proposé par Ofioliti. Les dates limites pour la soumission des manuscrits sont respectivement le 30/12/2020 et le 15/01/2021.

Vous trouverez plus d'information dans les communiqués ci-dessous.

Solid Earth

The open access EGU journal Solid Earth has opened a special issue on New insights on the tectonic evolution of the Alps and the adjacent orogens.
The special issue is dedicated to state-of-the art research on the Alps and the adjacent orogens. It will improve our understanding of mountain-building processes and the past and ongoing tectonic evolution in the region. This multi- and interdisciplinary effort integrates geophysics, tectonics, petrology, geochronology, and basin and surface studies. The contributions highlight recent efforts to image deep structures, track motion and deformation of the crust and mantle through time, and investigate the surface response to deep-seated processes. Thus, the volume will showcase results of the European AlpArray project, which has featured a seismic station network with an unprecedented density in the Alpine region. We invite researchers from the AlpArray project and beyond, and from all fields to contribute to this volume.
Editors: Emanuel Kästle, Mark Handy, Giancarlo Molli, Anne Paul, Claudia Piromallo, Christian Sue, Mirijam Vrabec, and Charlotte Krawczyk.
Authors can submit their contributions by using the online registration form on the SE website: The deadline for submission is 30 December 2020. Please tick the checkbox for the SI, so that your manuscript is directed accordingly.


A special section of the journal Ofioliti will be dedicated to  Marco Beltrando, who suddenly passed away in response to a climbing accident in December 2015. In spite of his young age, Marco developed revolutionary ideas in deciphering the role of rift inheritance in the evolution of the Alpine orogeny, by integrating data from stratigraphy, structural geology, petrology, geochronology and geochemistry. The main theme of this Ofioliti special section is the evolution of the Alpine belt starting from late-post-Variscan times, including the development of the Jurassic Alpine Tethys. We indeed welcome any scientific contribution dealing with role of rifting inheritance in collisional orogens, as well as studies of orogens aimed at unraveling the evolution of normal to hyperextended margins and oceanic domains. The deadline to submit the manuscripts is January 15, 2021. The volume will be entitled “Late Variscan to Alpine orogenic evolution: the role of rift inheritance”, and printed in July 2021. Ofioliti is an open-access international journal and a small publication fee is requested to the Authors for each article. For more informations about the manuscript submission please visit the Ofioliti web site
Special Section Editors: Roberto Compagnoni (University of Torino, Italy), Giorgio Vittorio Dal Piaz (University of Padova, Italy), Gianreto Manatschal (University of Strasbourg, France), Alessandra Montanini (University of Parma, Italy), and Riccardo Tribuzio (University of Pavia, Italy)

Dernière mise à jour le 29.05.2020